Senin, 13 Juli 2009

My freakin' day V

Dear blog,

ugh. I feel want to write, so just shut up and listen(?)








Curse u!


Screw it!


Ok. Ok. Let's begin! I'm starting it..


Today is very awful and i'm in damn bad mood. Who will care anyway? It's because of certain someone. Truly, it's one of my friends (Codname : Midget). I don't know why i don't like her a lot (whoaa.. Just a little bit!) but i think she's a bit bossy (not a bit again..). But after all, she's a nice girl (should i call her a girl or a women or a lady? We're almost seventeen anyway, hello?). Then, i definitely not hate her. I just feel very uncomfortable around her. I..exactly with my best friends felt regret just her because we'd been lied to her! Poor midget..


I want to tell u the story. But i can't. May be later.


Oh, and today too that was my first time (correction : second time) i went to GO. Specifically, i take tutorial lesson (officially a new student - not an intruder again). And well, the first lesson wasn't bad after all. It was good tough.


Then, Nida (Suzann) treated me a food! Shit! I should picked up the most expensive one. But hey! When we break at GO, she bought me 'Cimol'. Lol-lol (haha, i mean)..

Agh. I forgot that moment. Well, when we were at ceremony (i don't know what i should call that the ceremony thing). I disturbed her in many kinds that would make pisses-annoyed her ass off. And then that chick teacher caught us. He took her and made her to move to another row (it was beetween the vocal group n the students, so she was in beetween there n it was empty!) that bas--piippp--(ok it's enough). Ck. Ck. Ck. She was lonely in there. Poor her.. Our friends (expecially the boys) were only making many jokes for her (because, today was the first time in third grade. And she'd a punishment!). So then, i moved beside her too (i was just moving by my self) as if nothing-happend. And then, i glared to that teacher. But that chick didn't care or seem us anyway. It didn't make any sense! Screw it!

I only tought that it was not fair expecially for her to let alone handled the punishment. And i didn't think that my spontaneous action could be called hero-complex, so cool, or something like that. I don't want to be a chicken who threw my mistakes to my friends..

Weks, several people watched it with awe and thought i was faithful. And the others (the boys actually) tought that Nida n I were lesbian!! (WTFFUCKKK!!!)




Ok. I just want to tell u that i definitely a real woman (girl)! And i'm not a lesbo or something stupid-freak-insane they tought before.. Just for quite sure. If u still not believe, i can prove it!! (weks..)


Well may be that's enough for this July's journal (wew! My first third grade..). In fact this's the longest blog i ever write.


Ur master n missy who-propers-having-something-meaningful-in-her-life,


PS : "admire - crush - like - love - love dear (care)"
These are the steps when someone will be fallin' in love. I think...
^,^ v

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

My freakin' day IV

Ah, hi! My lovely-dovey journal..

Skrg aq udh naek k kls tiga neh. (Syukur deh naek! Aq udh paranoid ga kn naek kelas!!---haha.. Boonk dink. Aq kn anak rajin---rajin d her..) Dan takut. Ga bisa ngerjain soal UAN nanti ma SNMPTN. Mati kutu aq nanti... Tp masih lama, emg. Cuma belajar efektif te 4 bulan doank krg lbh. Arrghh!!! Tp aq mw brjuang cuz org tua aq udh ssh pyh mskin aq k GO (tmp bimbel). Yah! Aq hrs bljr dgn rajin.. Yosh!

Skrg jg aq udh HI-4 d tmp kursus bhs ing. aq--LIA. Dan itu brrti PRESENTATION UR ESSAY!!!! O.M.G!!! Crap! I must practice so hard for that...

Ga bny yg ingin d ceritain sih. Yaa.. Liburan 2 minggu d rmh sajah. Membusuk.

Btw, sbnr.y blog ini te bisa dibilang utk pribadi ja. Maka.y bhs aq aneh2 dan kehitung kasar. Cuma beberapa org ja yg tw. Tp ga masalah sih klu 'stranger' jg bca nih blog. Isi.y tdk ada yg prlu d smbunyikan..

Bulan ini aq cm bisa ngarep-mumbling-sulking utk :

1. Loba duit biar bisa beli komik trbitan bru!

2. Nonton Transformers 2 & Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince.. Can't wait..

3. Hanya Allah SWT dan aq yg tw...

Yupppp.. Sampai nanti d unek2 isi kepala aq nanti.. Haaaa!

ur insomnia master (aq nulis journal ini wkt jm 12 malem.)

PS : 'Happy Feet' is awesome (eh.. n 'Nanny McPhee too)

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

My freakin' day III

Dearest my chick journal,(upss..)

I write this journal when my bro n pops play soccer(?) at livingroom. Insane huh? But it's their habits n i just watch it..

Lots of things that happened this week!

1. Two days ago when i opened my facebook, i saw that BITCH (i call her that cuz she's a TRAITOR!!) had added that guy (u-must-know-who) faster than me!!! Then, i added him too (with devil-speed) n after that i threw my lovely-cute handphone!!! Can u imagine that? "Nona Intan" felt anger cuz of "a GUY"??? In truth, i'd loved him in the past.. At least, that guy had added me too. I only said, "Ck! Screw u bitch!" (i owe u to tell the true story.. Later..)

2. "The Sims 2" makes me insane!!! Because i don't have dvd in my computer to install it. Luckily rhea has the CD's. I'm so glad.. But serial numb. was the real problem. I searched in google n i got it.. (simple huh!). But when i installed it, cd numb. 3 n 4 couldn't read them. Finally, i just bought the new cd numb. 3 n 4... Eh... When i installed it again (it'd 97 persent) my comp. wrote(said).. "The Data/Res/bla..bla..bla cannot copy..the problem is in media." ARRGHH! Screw it!

3. I lied to my mom.. (u know why...)

4. Yesterday, i'd faced Oral Test n my friend said that my score is 4. Duh. It's awesome u know! (cuz the highest score is 5..)

** i want to tell u more but i cannot think again. Ah.. I want to sleep~

ur lovely-beautiful(hello..) master,

Tiara Intan

PS : i don't know if i have any grammatical mistakes.. Sorry for that..
~,~ v

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

My freakin' day II

Ya.. 2hr lalu udh selesai tuh uas. Cuma satu kata "SETANNN!!!"

nih ya akhirnya pelajaran nona intan yg d her..
1. Biologi (tp udh beres kemaren)
2. FISIKA (gila lah cm kurang 2.. Dammit!!)

yg laen.y wallohuallam..

Ah.. Ya allah.. Kenapa aq tdk bisa plajaran eksak? Sucks.

Oh well..
Mw gimanapun jg hidup tuh ada perjuangan.y.. Ga ada hidup yg enak2an j klu ingin sukses mah. Jalani sajah dgn pantang menyerah y.. Hehe

sbnr.y ingin nulis yg panjang tp bny kata2 yg g bisa di ungkapin nih bwt d blog ini..

Pokok.y sekarang sy lg gloomy nih!

Ur moody lady
~miss thanzuu!

PS : 'Boys Before Flower' is awesome

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

My freakin' day

Heii! Udh lama aq g nulis (ngetik tepat.y) di blog ini.. Hahaha, aq masih hidup koq!

Seminggu ini bener2 hari yg FREAK!
Aq lg ngetik ini pas lagi nonton promosi capres ma cawapres yg ga guna.. Jezz.. Promosi lah.. Caper pisan! Aq sih jagoin SBY yg bakalan jd presiden lg.. Ha! Coba liat ja, pidato capres yg laen.. Ngebaca!! sok2 bca teks proklamasi gitu mana dibaca juga (ga apal tuh!) Wek, kalah sama aq tuh! Hahaha.. Maklum lah udh tua..

Tapi emang susah sih nyari orang yg bener2 jujur jaman sekarang mah...

Ok, dari pada ngebicarain itu aq critain j minggu2 ini..

- minggu ini c neng doraemon (ah, mae..) ulang taun. Dan anak XI IPA 2 dksh 'Baskin Robins' (kaia gt bkn sih cara nulis.y? Lupa..) ama silverqueen satu2!!!! Bayangin mannn.. Eta es krim te eduunn mahal pisaann.. (c mae bli 2 baskom eta es krim yg klu g salah harga satu baskom.y ampir 200rebuu!! Mamet! Gila...) aduh, bwt mae thx u very much much much100x!!!! Aq jd bisa ngerasain es krim mahal (mana enak lagi! Es krim Walls mah lewat.. HuhuT~T v)

- c neng rhea pts sm c monyet (bhs kasar aq c gob***) hmm,, alasan.y g msk akal gtu deh.. Tp skrng udh biasa aja.. Yah, gmn2 jg butuh waktu man!

- aq blm ulgn bio bab sarap!!! (syaraf)... Haaaahhhh.. Males susulan lah! Udh lupa smua gila!! "R u fuckin' insane, mam? I mean u can't ask me to remember all of that shit in one night, right???" Ehh.. Ga dink! Yg ngomong gtu orang lain... Hehehe.


- EXAMS R SUCKS! Oh.. It's right on my eyes! Almost everyday u know!? (aq cuma bisa ketawa ngakak klu ada ulangan...)

udh aq ngomongin kan.. Hari2 aq tuh 'insane'. Aq sebut ja "Freakin' daily hell.."

tp utk sisi positif.y kt mama jg "Wayahna weh atuh tan. Nama.y jg anak sekolah.. Kt pribahasa jg 'Bersakit2 dahulu lalu bersenang2 kemudian'.. Klu intan berusaha sekarang dgn baik nnt hsl.y jg enak bwt intan. Da sekolah teh bkn utk org tua, tp bwt masa depan intan.. Bwt kebahagiaan intan nnt pas kedepan.y.. Ma2 mah cuma berharap yg baik j bwt intan......."

yup stlh panjang d ceramahin bgitu, aq lgsng k kamar, tidur--ngorok! (ga denk ga ngorok! Sy kn cwe feminin... Hha.. Wink..wink..)

aduhh hapunten ma2 taw pa2 ngebaca blog ini.. Aq te bny ngeluh.y ya.. Tp tenang aja ma.. pa.. I always enjoy my daily life at school!! Honestly!! Sumpeh!

Eh btw, dr april kmaren tpt.y tgl 22 sy ganti hape jd 5310 XpressMusic. Ptama.y cih g suka hpe ini.. Cm lama2 jd suka j.. Aq nulis blog gini jg d hape tecintahh... Anteng ja tuhh.

See u next time!
(udh HAMPIR 30mnt lbh aq ngetik d hpe nih!!)

ur SUCK master,
(or bitch honestly..)
-tiara intan-

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

My ordinary life V

Wupz wupz..
Kmaren ultah.y my Pops n Rhea. Pops ngajak aq abis plg lia k lucky square maen d game master ampe tangan aq pegel2. Sial! Tp ga pa2, aq jd juara tak wkt tanding maen permainan mobil simulator.. Hahaha..
Trz udh gitu makan timbel, lmyn mahal satu porsi.y tp enak koq!
Ya sekarang tinggal Rhea.. Hehehe..

Btw, akhir.y "Damage" d update ch. 10! Gilee meettt!! Rame bgt! Wkwkwkwk aq ngakak bgt bca.y.. 'Finally, they figured it out!' hahaha..

Aduh, aq blm ngerjain pr aq..

Ja Ne!

ur the suckest master
*.* v

Jumat, 10 April 2009

My ordinary life IV

Well, a full week of VACATION!!!
Yuhuuu,,,^,^ v

it's 'cause of Mon 'till Wed 3rd grade faced pre-UAN in three days, Thrusday "Pemilu", Friday "Paskah"... Annndddd Eeng Iing Eeng... I'm FREEEE.. lol..

Ok. It has a lot of things to do such as cleaning my messy room, wash my many clothes, wipe off, go to WARNET, watching my DVD's, reading Breaking Dawn n a bunch of fanfics also comics, sulking to my mother (asking for money! Hey! Don't blame me.. If u in vacation n u don't have money, u will feel suck, right?Lol..), sleeping 'till intoxicated (Bah!), listening my new mp3 (thanks for Wcee,,^_^), blah blah blah blah, etc...

Btw, i watched dorama "Dragon Sakura" n that's very awesome dorama! Wuuphzz.. Still YamaPxNagasawa Masami. They're the best pairing EVER! They're vey compatible. I loved them play in "Proposal Daisakusen" dorama. So touchhyyy.. But still IchiRuki is the most ever-endless pairing I loved very much!!

Hummm,, tomorrow is my Pops (Dad) n Rhea's birthday!!! Happy birthday to u both! I love u both sooo muucchhh... Humm,, i still have no idea to give a present to them. What am i must doing now???

ur insane master

PS :
"BLACK CAT" is so awesome!

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

My ordinary life III

Lg ada niat bwt ngetik2 d blog ni.
Anyway.. Sprt biasa, gt2 j..

Uhmm.. Aq udh bc story fanfic yg lain yg jdl.y "Love Me, Sensei". & cerita.y fluffy things gtu.. Tp rme koq! Bneran.. Crita.y shoujo brkisar antara guru x murid yg msh "forbidden & taboo". Tp ada humor.y.. Mka.y aq sk. Br 9 chappie sih.. (Msh ICHIRUKI!)

Yg kmren yg bojex te jdl.y Damage.. Hahaha, pkk.y rme bgt lah.. Ga bklan nyesel deh klu bca.

The Corner Cafe jg udh tamat kmaren. Dan RAME ABISSS... Tp sblm da chappie trkhir rated.y T, tp skrg jd M!!! Ahh,, itu mh blm ada apa2.y klu dbandingn ma Odalisque (Warning, that story is heavy lemon content!)

yahh,, td te olhrga d tes senam lantai (baling2 ma rolling hand stand lp nma.y) pkk.y ps td latihan tgn aq udh kepelitek! Sakit bgt klu d gerakin. Tp aq bertekad kuat.. HEAAAA,, menguling2 bgitulah gg puguh (agak tdk tlalu sadar sih sbnrnya..) tp.. JRENG JRENGGG dpt nilai A dua2.y! Wuuuu.. OHYEAAAHH... Peace man!!! Wkwkwk.. Kekekeke.. YA--HA!
Pdhl aq udh yakin ga bisa..

Perasaan minggu2 ini aq santai2 j. Males ngerjain PR lah (apalagi Pkn--Hubungan Internasional, & blm ku kerjain sedikitpun!).. Mau jd apa sy nanti klu gni trz??
Mana math yg peluang blm tuntas,, aq pling SUCK bgt sm yg nama.y peluang! Fuck! Argh, otak aq sesat!

Berharap bsuk ga da ulangan dadakan.. Nanti mati lemes.. Yah..


ur extream master
Natsuko--Ji Eun Chan~

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

My ordinary life II

Eh,, aq udh bc fanfic ampe 8 chappie..(cuz cm emg br segitu) dan crita.y rme bgt!
Hahaha.. Ngebwt aq ngakak!

Pkk.y klu mw crita IchiRuki yg rme2, liat j d account aq :
skrg udh da ampe 52 stories..
Tp aq skrg msh blm bwt cerita. Agak malez.. Bwt account d fanfic tuh cm utk nyimpen story yg rame d fav list aq. Tp nnt aq mw brsaha ngebwt koq.. Dukungan.y j dehh..

Trz hri ini aq beli kmk bleach movie 2 (kimi ni na o yobu--the diamond dust rebellion), yg bajakan.. Dan kualitas.y krg bagus.. Yahh,, aq jd dpt pljrn (Jgn bli kmk bajakan! Tp klu dvd blh.. Hehehe..)

ehh,, btw.. Aq bqin facebook! Akhir.y... (d bqinin ma rhea sbnr.y.. Utk rhea thx bgt ya!!!) Tp aq msh bingung gmn cr pakai.y..

Ngmng2 crita Bleach skrg.. KEMANA KAU PERGII RUKIIAAA??!?? (Whitey-chan jg..) koq ga muncul2 sihh..
Huhuhu.. T~T sedih..
Mskpun emg lg rme.. OMG, WTFWTF! c ichigo jd monster dan ulquiorra mati..(jigana..) Tp, hey! Tokoh2 kesukaan aq pd ga ada! Yg ada cma c silikon! Huh, nyebelin..

Ok sdh ttg Bleach..
Ouia, aq cuma brharap nilai rapot mid smster aq ga tlalu jeblok. Jd ga ush ada kicau2an org tua aq..

^,^ v

ur master..

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

My ordinary life

sprti biasa,,
hr2 aq d sbkin ama skulaa, skuulaa, skuulaaa..
krsus bhs ing jg sihh.
huh.. cpek..
kmren tes d tmp kursus.
oral seh biasa j, tp ps promotion test.. Mamihhh,,gila.. Lbh ssh dr TOEFL man!
mna nilai kimia aq g tntas jg.
Huaaa.. bqin nangis!
Damn it!

Huh payah bgt nih..
Wkt plg dr tmp krsus jg jln2 sndri k bip kaia org gila.
Ngeliat org lain mah ama psngn.y taw ma tmn2.y..
Klu aq sndirian g da tmn...

Td d skula jg hbs bljr fisika.
Bqin mabok! Haha..

Ingin.y minggu ini sih taw bwt bln april :
- Bleach vol. 13
- Alice Academy vol. 10
- Skip Beat vol. 14
(komik smua y? Ffu..)

tp aq te skrg lg ilfeel ma bleach yg tbaru ch. 350. Huh.. Suck bgt! It made me feel sick! ARRGH.. I can't wait for Bleach Movie 3 - Fade To Black. It's so pure 'bout IchiRuki! Yeah!

So i really crazy of fanfiction, of course! U can go to my account on :
a lot of bleach fanfic expecially ICHIRUKI!!! Yay!!
I love that pairing very much.. hmmhumhm..

Yosh! (eh, btw knp jd y?)
Yo! my journal. See ya~

^,^ v

Senin, 16 Maret 2009

My first post

Nihh ptma kali.y aq ngebwt blog.
Yah.. Begitulah..
Ini posting-an ptma aq.
Tp mdh2an blog ini bisa bguna nnt (mskpn dsrh ma pa ihsan ngbuat blog ini..)
^,^ v

"sweetieebunny" sbnr.y ini nm ngarang bgt! Nm itu te account fanfiction aq. Lm2 aq jd sk nm itu mskpn gg sdkt pun mncrmnkn dri sy sndri..

Yosh.. Mulai nnt dn strs.y mngkn aq bklan rajin posting dsini ..
